Ok, I know, its been like a month since we updated this thing, but we really had nothing to update. We really are getting very close to being licensed. Our homestudy is complete and has been submitted for final review. I am anticipating this will be in the next week or so. After we are licensed, it will just be a matter of waiting for a child to be placed with us. It could be the day after we are licensed, or it could be 3 months from now, we just have to leave that up to God and His perfect timing.
Our Sunday School class has started studying James. We are just going through it chapter by chapter. Let me just say, the first chapter always kicks me in the rear. (Especially the first 3-4 verses.) I always try and be aware that my hard times can and will be used for Gods glory, but most of the time I choose not to be joyful at the time. Why is that so hard? I tend to find myself mad at God and then frustrated with myself for being mad at God. Eventually I get around to understanding that God is strengthening my faith and growing my endurance, but why does it take so long for me to get there?
Help me to trust you fully. Thank you for the trials that You bring forth in my life. I know and trust that You are using them for Your glory. Be with the child/children that You are going to bring into our lives. Help them to be safe and to know that they are loved by You and by us.
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5 years ago