Monday, July 14, 2008

Missed It By That Much

A little over a week ago we received an e-mail from Buckner telling us that our application had been received and that everything looked good, except for the fact that our application was missing all of the even numbered pages. That was no big deal since it was their fault, not ours.

In the same e-mail we were invited to the seminar that is a major step in the process of being approved and put "in the book" (aka - being able to be chosen by a birth mother). We were pretty excited at the invite since attending a seminar so early in the process would allow us to be chosen much sooner. However, that excitement soon disappeared when we realized that the seminar was July 10-11. That just happened to be the same week we were at youth camp. Julie and I had to go because of Brady's departure, and there was no way to get out of camp.

So, instead of getting a major part of the process behind us, we now have to wait until September for the next seminar. Hopefully, our home study will be done by then, and the seminar will be the last thing.

In all, two months isn't that long of a wait, but it was a little frustrating to come so close only to have it not work out.

"God help me to be patient -- with myself, the agency, the process, and ultimately, You. Thank you for orchestrating things to where we had to go to youth camp. The relationships we built with the students were worth missing the seminar. Thank you for being in control. Please keep reminding me of your greatness and grace."

-- Bobby

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

4 Days

Well, its been 4 days. Four days ago, we sent in our crazy long and time consuming, official application to Buckner. Once we had everything completed, I put off sending it in for about a week or so. It was a weird feeling. I know that God is in control, and He always has been, but when I had all those papers to fill out, doctor's appointments to fulfill, and information to gather, I felt like I was somehow in control. Now that control is gone. It's kind of scary and freeing all at the same time. I know we still have a little ways to go before the real waiting begins, but spiritually and emotionally, I feel like this step was a big one for me.

I didn't think it would take us this long to fill out an application. On April 11, we went to out first meeting with Buckner. It was incredible for me. I did not feel at peace at all until this meeting. We had been looking at several different agencies, and none of them felt right. I had several other pelimenary applications filled out and ready to send off, but I never felt like it was right to send them. Then we went to Buckner, and the Lord made it apparent that this was where we were supposed to be. It was exciting, and yet calming. I'm pretty sure I cried through part of the meeting. I was so happy that this was right, that I could not contain my emotion.

Now here we are, 2 months later with our official application done. It feels good. It is amazing to think that somewhere out there our baby may already be growing inside of their birthmom. Maybe not yet, but maybe so.


Father God,

Be with our baby. Watch over him and keep him. Work in a mighty way in the birthparents. Please place people in their paths that will lead them to You. Give them comfort and peace as they make the hardest decision that anyone could make. Most importantly, let Your glory be made known in our lives and in thiers. Amen